This chapter describes the functions of the list view screen.

The list view displays the execution status of Task components in a project in a tree format. This is displayed by clicking the list view button.


The contents of the display are as follows.


Component Description
name Displays the component name
state Displays component processing progress
startTime Displays the component processing execution time
endTime Displays the component processing completion time

state is categorized and displayed as follows:

State name State description
not-started Initial state
stage-in Indicates that the required file is being transferred to the remote server
waiting Indicates wait status due to the limit on the number of concurrent Task components
running Indicates that the process is running
queued Indicates that the job has been submitted to the batch system and is waiting to start execution
stage-out Indicates that the remote server has finished processing and is transferring the required files
finished Indicates that processing has completed
unknown Indicates a status check that could not be determined whether a Task submitted through the batch system terminated normally or abnormally, for example
failed Indicates an abnormal end of processing

About Viewing Components
Components that run multiple times during a single project run, such as the For component, are displayed by the number of times they are run (see above).
Task components, which are subcomponents of other components, also appear nested in the upstream component tree.

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